Thursday, October 31, 2019

Platos Allegory of the Cave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Platos Allegory of the Cave - Essay Example The prisoners come up with a guessing game on what the images they see on the wall could be. The one who gets his guess right on what the next object to appear is gets praised by his fellow prisoners and is viewed as a master of nature, even though none of these things they guess have they seen or known.Plato finds a problem with this kind of knowledge where people believe in truth in things they have even not seen or experienced. Plato has his own view of how people should perceive and arrive at truth in their daily encounters in life. The first perception is: sensory perception. This entails the world as it appears, how we see it, feel it using our senses. The second kind of perception is spiritual perception. This comes about after we ignore the sensory perception and set out to seek deeper insight on the basic knowledge we have (Herman 2013). This previous perception happens to be Plato’s ideal philosophy of all time and the ideal kind of concept.Aristotle’s rhetori c can best be defined as the art of observing the necessary cause of persuasion in any given situation. According to Aristotle’s Rhetoric, he finds it okay for people to talk about things (ideal) they envision or have heard about as though they were actually in touch with them (Rorty, 1996). In his view this believe in the vision would bring them even closer to these ideal. Aristotle believed that human beings had the ability to look at how communications happen around them and deduce meaning and come up with convincing arguments.

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